Community Presbyterian has a reputation as a church that feeds. We collect donations for the Freeport Emergency Food Boutique year-round, and we have two major food drives each year.
February Souper Bowl Drive

In February, we join our fellow Presbyterian churches on Long Island for a little friendly competition to see which congregation can collect the most food items or dollars per member, turning the Souperbowl of Caring into a month-long food collection festival. Thanks to leadership from within the congregation, we won the 2014 February food drive with 65.6 cans per member. We filled 15 pews and a good chunk of the floor with food.

On Sunday, March 9, 2014 Wally Merna, head of the Freeport Food Pantry, joined us in worship to accept our offering of food.
Here are some pictures from the drive.

In June, we ask for help from our immediate neighbors, mobilizing one Sunday to hang fliers on door knobs in our neighborhoods, and collecting the food the following week. Again, the motivation for this collection came from within the congregation.